Break · Commie Curriculum!

Confessions of a Recovering Yellow, White Nationalist

Confession time. Some times I think like a white nationalist. Like I've been genuinely surprised to hear that friends of Asian descent were native to this country or when yellow strangers don't have accents despite not having an accent myself. Like there's even a part of me that expects and accepts that white people make… Continue reading Confessions of a Recovering Yellow, White Nationalist

Commie Curriculum! · What's so bad about capitalism?

The Gilded Side of Wealth Inequality

Welcome and Congratulations! Dropping the course now might result in administrative fees. For our first lesson, we'll spend about 4 mins exploring: How much a dollar cost? There's this survival-horror game I really enjoyed playing.  I had to run it on the highest "performance" settings—which makes it significantly less horror and a lot more geometry—but… Continue reading The Gilded Side of Wealth Inequality

Black Lives Matter 2020 Protests · blog

The Other America

I said this elsewhere, but given 45's involvement, I feel like this might be worth repeating. The rioting is a peripheral thing and should stay on the periphery of the discussion. I'm a firm believer, in principle and practice, of civil disobedience, but the rioting and looting aren't directional actions. Characterizing the people involved as… Continue reading The Other America