

Welcome to SheepleSteeple’s “Religious” Tirade:  Our current series will focus on abortions.

There are way too many Christian voters, mostly in the white community, that seem to think that abortion is such a fundamental issue that it should takes precedence over everything else. I’m not sure how authentic one-policy voters are; I see it as our generation’s version of “states’ rights.”

Me starting out by saying I don’t think people across the aisle have properly evaluated their political beliefs probably will come off a little elitist. And if the people across the aisle read any of my other shit, they might think I’m just another liberal soyboy talking out my ass despite me, not a flex or nothing but maybe a little, getting my Masters of Divinity. And that’s honestly fair because my education does nothing for my expertise in this field. Hopefully though, it gets across that I’m at least kind of serious about this whole Christian thing.

But most likely they’d click right off because that’s 100% shitty of me.  Good thing my target demo are people on my side that feel weird about this issue because they hear catchy catch phrases from the anti-abortion side so much that they take it at face value. Basically, it’s for people like me. Christians that felt almost un-Christian-ly for being pro-choice.

Before we begin proper, I wanted to note any conflicts of interests and list all my main sources up front.

For transparency’s sake, my parents strongly considered aborting my dumb ass.  Can’t say I blame them. Not sure if that makes me pro or against. Just a thing that happened.

As for source, most of my claims and a lot of my ideas come from somewhere in this pile:

  • From Rubella to Roe vs. Wade (On the Media)
  • Progressive Souls, Part 2 (Ministry of Ideas)
  • The Procedure (Criminal)
  • Abortion & Ben Shapiro (PhilosophyTube)
  • A Defense of Abortion, Judith Jarvis Thomson
  • Abortion and Crime, Revisited (Freakonomics)
  • G: Unfit (Radiolab)
  • Going Beyond Roe (On the Media)

I think they’re pretty decent sources, but each one does a lot of heavy lifting with no real attempt at triangulation.  And they’ll be muddied with my opinions.  Since most of my sources refer to American abortion practices, I’ll mostly be talking about how abortion in America which I may or may not unjustifiably generalize elsewhere.

Whether I think abortion is a good thing or in what scenario would I consider it are besides the point.  This is strictly an argument that abortion should be legal and accessible.  That no government should pre-emptively make that decision for a woman or a couple.  And also, hopefully, it’ll persuade someone to start thinking that you can be Christian and pro-choice–or at the very least that being Christian shouldn’t automatically make you anti-abortion.

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